Time for a confession. I am addicted to Coca-Cola. There I said it forever to be recorded on the internet. So, to feed this addiction I visit a LOT of McDonald’s restaurants. I’m somewhat of a Coke snob and have determined the best fast food Coke is at McDonald’s. Period. In my travels I visit many many McD’s and have the chance to see how homogenous their service and products are. The Coke varies slightly by restaurant. Something to do with the particular mix of syrup and carbonated water. I can tell. Anyway, something I have noticed recently is what you see in the pic above. The “Be Back Soon” on the ice cream choices.
I feel the need to post about this because I can’t believe how often I am seeing this “Be Back Soon” label for the ice cream on the ordering screens. I know there is a popular meme out there in internet land about the squirelliness of McD’s ice cream machines. Here is proof positive it is really ‘a thing.’ My mind is blown however by how a corporation the size of McDonald’s would allow this to happen, never mind continue like this for years on end. It’s a big black mark and whoever decided to advertise the problem by marking the screen “Be Back Soon” has done McD’s a big disservice in my opinion. I think it’s a mistake even though I can see the thinking that notifying the customer is a good thing. It really sticks out. I don’t ever order the ice cream at McD’s and evenso it sticks out like a sore thumb to me.
Here’s hoping they can get this massive problem under control sooner than later.
Now if I see a “Be Back Soon” over the Coca-Cola on the ordering screen there’s gonna be a real problem!!!
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