“I Really Don’t Know Clouds at All.” A line from a Joni Mitchell song about looking at life from two different perspectives. A child and an adult. I love clouds. All types. I loved them as a child and am still in love with them as an adult. I was stopped at a stop light recently and some white puffy clouds caught my eye and I was filled with awe at the beauty. I have always loved clouds. I remember spending time laying on my front lawn as a child just starting up at the sky and watching the clouds float by. I have several memories throughout my life where the beauty of clouds have struck me almost speechless. One time I was floating in the ocean at Grand Cayman island in the Caribbean for 2 hours just watching the clouds float by. That is my current ‘happy place’ and I think of it often especially when I’m having a ‘black dog day.’ Another time I was on a flight from my home in Salt Lake City to visit my best friend in LA. Right after take off as we ascended through the clouds I was presented with a wonderland of white puffy beauty. I remember that as well as if it were yesterday. I was truly in awe and speechless. My mind had a hard time understanding just how amazing it was and that it was even possible. It was like I had been transported to some other place.
So, after my recent stop at the stoplight I decided to snap a few photos of clouds that were especially pretty to me. It didn’t take long to come up with several. Here they are to share with you.

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